Tips for kitchen and home !



  1. Before you start cooking, make sure you had assembled all the required ingredients and check them with your recipe. If you are a beginner, follow the recipe as such without skipping the ingredients and altering the quantities.

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  3. Assemble all the cooking pots and pans before you start the actual cooking. Wash and keep them ready on the stove top.

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  5. Whisk eggs in large bowls instead of small bowls. Hence they gets stiffens quicker.

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  7. Use granulated sugar for plain cakes, but fine castor sugar for creamed and sponge mixtures.

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  9. A pinch is as much as an ingredient as can be held between your index finger and thumb.

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  11. Make a list of items to purchase before you go for shopping. You can categorize vegetables, groceries and stationery items separately.

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  13. Gelatine, which are used for making puddings dissolves more quickly if it is first soaked in cold liquid.

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  15. Do not keep bananas in fridge. They will discolor and lose its flavor.

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  17. Storing dried lemons in satchels and hanging them in wardrobe will prevent moths.

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  19. Scrape carrots instead of peeling, because the outer portion contains vitamins.

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